Charity Fund-Raiser For Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-Kanak Chow Kit An Evening At The Wine Room

Yasmin Yusuff will be leading the evening’s festivities with special guest performances by M. Nasir, Ferhad, Ida Nerina, Izlyn Ramli and DJ Gabriel alongside The Wine Room Band.
Finger food will be served with 50% off selected drinks.
There are raffle and auction prizes to be won courtesy of Malaysian Airlines, CoChine Restaurant, Ozmosis Spa, photographer Rizal Zainudin and others.
We thank you for a minimum donation entrance contribution of RM50 per person. Tax exempt slips will be made available.
For further information - email hzain at, sianra at, goddesshireen at
Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-Kanak Chow Kit is a shelter and recreational center for homeless and displaced children. The shelter aims to keep these children off the streets by running educational and creative workshops alongside providing a necessary safe haven for them. Currently there are 16 Chow Kit Children sleeping on the streets every night. Please help us help them.
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